About 3 weeks ago, we had the good fortune to present Cassoulet to the SF Ferry Plaza Farmer’s Market where contributors Phyllis Grant and Liz Crane, expertly talked about their stories and demo-ed a recipes. Liz whipped up a crumbly jam tart that is basically a delicious, giant cookie, much easier to make than pie, and Phyllis made a version of her signature dressing anchovy/mustard/shallot dressing to drizzle over potato and asparagus salad.More
One More Kale Salad
The farmer’s market is full of spring vegetables these days — asparagus and peas, artichokes and strawberries — but we’re still having cool days that make me crave wintery ingredients. So I was happy to see a new salad recipe in my CSA share; I’ve modified the recipe just a bit here, for a salad that combines dark kale and bright oranges to point toward spring.
Food Bloggers against Hunger, II
A couple of months ago, New York Times dining writer and Cassoulet contributor Jeff Gordinier, hosted a screening and Times Talk about the new documentary, A Place at the Table. More
Food Bloggers Against Hunger
My kids are always hungry.
Eleven-year-old Ben is going through a growth spurt that has him going back for thirds and fourths of dinner; 7-year-old Eli lies in bed moaning, “I am too-too hungry to sleep,” before dropping off to sleep in the middle of his complaint. It’s funny because they are not ever truly hungry, because at the merest twinge from their stomachs, they can go to the kitchen and help themselves to whatever they need.
Chocolate Cream Eggs for (the day after) Easter
Perhaps if I were a more professional food blogger, I would have tried this recipe a couple weeks ago, and then posted it last week in time for you all to decide to make it, too.
But I am not at all a professional food blogger, just someone — I expect rather like you — who sees appealing photos and links to recipes and thinks, “I could make that, too.” And so I did. With the kids. The kids declared them as delicious as the store bought kind, then noticed my expression and announced that ours are in fact better. Good kids.