Third grade.
Third grade was walking to school with Anne, April, Nicky, and Jennifer; it was my mom back at work full time. Third grade was Miss Gibson and her flame of red hair, her long nails, her “math minutes,” and a big project on Alaska. And third grade was coming home after school, my parents still at work for a couple hours, and making PB&J cracker towers with my brother, seeing who could make the tallest stack, laughing as we stuffed the crumbling towers into our mouths.
Eli’s in third grade now, no longer a little kid and — for me, a bit poignantly — deeply into a part of his childhood I know he’ll remember when he’s an adult. I know what the school year will bring: field trips to Point Reyes and Gold Country; reading Island of the Blue Dolphins; learning cursive. But I wonder what memories he’ll carry into adulthood?
This recipe reminded me of third grade. It’s perfect for an after school, grab-a- glass-of-milk snack. Whether you’re still in third grade, or only remember it.