By Lisa

“Back home, Kory turned on the TV, but I could no longer watch.  For the rest of the afternoon I stood at the kitchen table mixing eggs and flour in a rhythmic circle, gathering the dough into small round balls, In the background the new was insistent. Arms dusted in flour, I kneaded and rolled and cut. I fed the smooth elastic dough through the steel machine. Over and over, through the rollers like a mantra, the pasta stretched and lengthened into cool, yellow sheets. It grew strong and supple. I covered the table with those sheets and cut capellini, linguini, pappardelle. Some I dried, some I froze, some we would eat fresh for dinner. Even as I let the work soothe the edges of my grief, I felt guilty, knowing there were many who would be too grieved to eat tonight, or tomorrow, or for many days to come.”    from A Double Life, Discovering Motherhood

Basic Fresh Pasta, after Marcella Hazan

for each person

  • 1 egg
  • 3/4 cup flour
  1. Dump flour on a smooth, clean, dry work surface. Make a well in the center. Break eggs into  well.
  2. With a fork, beat eggs until blended . Then, with fork, slowly incorporate flour bit by bit until the egg is no longer runny.
  3. Using your fingers and hands, continue to incorporate flour until eggs and flour are well-combined.
  4. Clean your hands and knead the dough until it smooth, compact, and elastic.
  5. Using a pasta rolling machine, feed dough in pieces through rollers until desired thinness is achieved. Cut pasta into desired shapes.