From now on, I’m only eating food that has music videos. More
Posts by Lisa Harper:
Independence Day
About 3 weeks ago, we had the good fortune to present Cassoulet to the SF Ferry Plaza Farmer’s Market where contributors Phyllis Grant and Liz Crane, expertly talked about their stories and demo-ed a recipes. Liz whipped up a crumbly jam tart that is basically a delicious, giant cookie, much easier to make than pie, and Phyllis made a version of her signature dressing anchovy/mustard/shallot dressing to drizzle over potato and asparagus salad.More
Food Bloggers against Hunger, II
A couple of months ago, New York Times dining writer and Cassoulet contributor Jeff Gordinier, hosted a screening and Times Talk about the new documentary, A Place at the Table. More
Contributor Spotlight: Thomas Peele
Food reporting is not Thomas Peele’s usual beat. Peele is an award-winning investigative journalist for the Bay Area News Group and author of Killing the Messenger: A Story of Radical Faith, Racism’s Backlash, and the Assassination of a Journalist,which Publisher’s Weekly calls an “eye-opening narrative about radical religion and its consequences. Peele renders characters and scenes with rich detail and his chronicle of events surrounding Bailey’s death unfolds with the seamlessness of a fictional thriller, would that were the case.” More
Contributor Spotlight: Jeff Gordinier
Jeff Gordinier writes for the NY Times Dining and Wine section. Since joining the staff in 2010, he has written too many articles to count, on subjects ranging from the poetry of cheese mongers, to cooking with just-killed chicken, to mindful eating, to a hilarious debate over homemade vs. Heinz ketchup. More